Sure, September seems a long way from Christmas morning right now. But we’re just 12 weeks away from shredded wrapping paper and candy cane-induced headaches. Are you getting stressed just thinking about it? The crowded check out lines? The frenzied schedule of events and parties? The cost of all those gifts? Don’t worry. We’ve gathered our best tips for getting a jumpstart on your holiday shopping, the easy way.
First, set a goal.
Know how much your holiday shopping will likely cost, and set a savings goal for that amount. Then, start setting money aside each week. Opening a Christmas Club Savings account can help with this, allowing you to set aside funds year-round for holiday-related expenses. You can start now and deposit money as often as you’d like, or schedule direct deposit. Learn More
Shop early, and late.
Spread your purchases out so they don’t all hit your wallet in December by starting your shopping now. You may also find better deals when clearance sales hit post-Christmas, so consider giving IOU gifts and fulfilling them after the first of the year. Track your spending. It’s way too easy to go overboard and not even know it, especially purchasing a ton of small gifts that add up to big money. Use a tool like Southern Bank’s Personal Finance Manager to better track your spending. You’ll stay on budget and feel financially sound not just over the holidays, but throughout the year.